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Schedule a free discovery call to find out of we are a good fit. Depending on your complaints and goals we can together decide what your treatment plan should look like. 
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Easy as one...two...three

Book a Discovery Call * Choose your treatment * Book your coaching session

Choose your Treatment

It's possible to purchase an individual coaching session for 152 euro (incl. VAT). This price remains the same regardless of the type of healing modality, and can be purchased via PayPal using the book buttons below. Additionally, I offer bundles where its possible to combine different healing modalities to effectively resolve your complaints. Among these bundles, there is a specific micro-dosing option and as cherry on the cake a 13-week psilocybin mini-dosing course designed for beginners that I facilitate twice a year.

* Please note that achieving the desired results may require multiple sessions, depending on the severity of your blockages or goals.

Individual Session

Who is this for? 
If you want to experience or book one coaching session. This can be a Regular Coaching Session or NEI  session. 

Micro-dose coaching can only be booked in a bundle in order to provide the appropriate support. See: Psilocybin MD Bundle >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 

Blockage Removal Bundle

Who is this bundle for? 
You want to work on personal development, you are dealing with stress and tension, perhaps you deal with sabotaging habits or limiting beliefs. Perhaps you just want to be a better you this year. Together we create a coaching plan that makes use of the healing modalities that suit your goals. 

Trauma Regulation Bundle

Who is this bundle for? 
You are dealing with chronic stress, burnout or are dealing with consequences of acute trauma such as PTSD. Perhaps you've already tried everything to alleviate your symptoms. The doctor and psychologist couldn't help. Together we create a coaching plan and combine different healing modalities in a specific manner in order to assist in your healing. 

Psilocybin MD Bundle

Who is this bundle for?
You want to start microdosing with psilocybin, but don't know where to start or perhaps you've been micro-dosing and would like to experiment with a different protocol in order to reach a specific goal.

This bundle includes 3 online sessions:
Before: 1 hour
During: 30 minutes
After: 1 hour 

Book your individual session

Feel free to book an individual session via Calendly.

Online Sessions: It's possible to purchase these and immediately secure a spot in my calendar.
In-person Sessions: Face-2-face sessions in Almere, The Netherlands. Go ahead and tentatively block a spot in my calendar via Calendly, I will check the availability of my practice and send a confirmation email (incl. a payment link). When payment is received your session is permanently booked. 

Regular Coaching Session

60 - 90 minutes

These are regular coaching sessions in order to create a coaching plan. 

Neuro Emotional Integration Session (NEI)

60 - 75 minutes

For NEI, I advise you to give yourself at least 2 sessions. I often see a huge difference within one session... however, in practice I notice that the chance of lasting change is greatest with 2 to 3 sessions.

Tension/Trauma Release Exercise Session (TRE)

TRE sessions are currently not provided by Main-Consult. Feel free to sign up for our newsletter in case you would like regular updates about TRE, you will be the first to know when sessions are on the menu ;)

What other clients say

Cher's session gave me an opportunity, and the results were nothing short of amazing. Her guidance, both prior to the session and afterwards, was exceptional. What makes this experience truly unique is that it is significantly different from my previous visits to a psychologist. NEI therapy works with your energy and allows you to detect the origins of negative emotions and traumatic experiences in a more accurate and faster way. It was like unraveling a complex puzzle that I've been trying to solve for years. This was a real eye-opener for me, because for a long time I struggled with worrying and stressing about things that kept haunting me. It brings deep peace when you realize and understand where those painful feelings and emotions come from, and more importantly, you can give them a place. That is ultimately the goal of this session. Cher has helped me unravel my own inner complexity and give myself the opportunity to grow as an individual.
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