"Effective coaching works with the subconscious and the conscious mind to bring about positive change." 

Holistic Coaching

Holistic coaching is intended to bring any topic, challenge, problem or objective up from your subconscious to the surface, keeping in mind that we are not just our minds or our bodies but one whole energetic being. Come with me on this journey of self-discovery, whatever that self may be...

Healing modalities at my disposal

Neuro Emotional Integration (NEI)

Emotions fill your backpack as you journey through life. Lighten your load and address emotional blockages for a healthier, happier you. Discover in an average of two sessions where your complaint comes from and immediately solve the blockages!

Tension/Trauma Release Exercises (TRE)

Release built-up stress and trauma through gentle bodywork. Unleash your inner peace and emotional resilience. TRE® is a body-oriented process to release tension in a natural way. It involves both releasing daily stress and deep, chronic tension. The exercises help you remember your natural mechanism to release tension and return the body to its original calm, relaxed, and balanced state of being.

Coaching (stress/burnout prevention)

Rediscover your strength, regain your spark, and embrace life's joy as we embark on your journey to health. Together we identify what your goals are, leverage your personal strengths so you can take appropriate action while you feel supported.

Psilocybin microdosing

Unlock your inner potential, one micro step at a time. Enhance focus, ignite creativity, and uplift mood effortlessly. Unleash the power of intuition for a better connection with yourself using the magic of psilocybin.

Energy healing

Neuro Emotional Integration (NEI)

We experience a lot in life, both positive and negative. Unfortunately, we cannot process all emotions and therefore accumulate and carry a backpack full of emotions with us as we go through life. The fuller the backpack, the heavier it becomes to carry, resulting in complaints.
Beside festering complaints, stuck emotions stay relatively dormant until you experience a situation in your current life that triggers old pain. These types of mental or physical complaints, are a cry for help of your subconscious to let you know that these blockages should be looked at. What do you do? Do you decide to numb your symptoms or are you willing to delve deeper and tackle the root cause of your blockages?

What can an Energy Healing consultation help with?

You are not feeling well

You have (unexplained) physical complaints, little energy, fears, hormone fluctuations, difficulty taking up space, allergies, overwhelming emotions that you would like to get rid of.

Personal Development

For some time now you have felt that you have choices to make, but you have been unable to make the decision. You doubt yourself and get stuck in thought circles. 


Do you decide time and time again to do things differently in your relationships, but you always fall back into old patterns. Together we will look at what stands in the way of you making lasting change.

Your business is not flowing

There is stagnation within your business. You feel like you've already tried everything! There is too little movement and the desired result is not achieved.

You have tried everything

You've already tried everything to alleviate your symptoms. The doctor and psychologist couldn't help further. You feel something is blocking you internally.

Your complaint is not listed

Feel free to contact me via email or schedule a free discovery call


How many sessions are needed on average?

I advise you to give yourself at least 2 sessions. I often see a huge difference within one session... however, in practice I notice that the chance of lasting change is greatest with 2 to 3 sessions. If you want to schedule 2 sessions in my calendar, I recommend that you leave approximately 2 weeks in-between each session.

Do you only facilitate digital energy healing sessions?

I facilitate both digital as well as in-person energy healing sessions. Intakes/discovery calls are always done digitally and in-person sessions are facilitated upon request. Both  digital as well as in-person consults are equally effective.

The in-person consults are given in my practice, which is located at Puur (center for well-being)
Address: Randstad 22 - 161, 
1316BM Almere, The Netherlands. 

Does my child have to attend the session?

Working with energy means that I achieve the same results with or without the child present. It is often better for the session if one or both parents are available and bring a photo of the child to be treated. This also works great if the child is too young to talk or if you notice that the child dreads the session.

Traditional Coaching


As a well-being coach I support you, so you can increase your ability to self-manage, motivate and commit to changing your lifestyle for the better.

We all need help every once in a while. I am your accountability partner, as we set personalized goals to improve your overall well-being and manage your stress levels. 


Creating a basic structure of health to improve physical health and feel energetic. 


Become aware of the triggers, signals, habits and causes, to understand yourself better and break unhealthy cycles. 


Learn to intervene at the right time, in order to prevent relapse. You are aware of sources of stress and energy guzzlers.

Coaching - Q&A

What is better online coaching or in-person?

I facilitate both digital as well as in-person coaching, these sessions are equally effective.

The in-person consults are given in my private practice, which is located at Puur (center for well-being)
Address: Randstad 22 - 161, 1316BM Almere, The Netherlands.

Who can have a coach?

The simple answer is... these days everyone can use a coach at some time in their life. A coach is someone who helps you get clarity about your current situation, holds up a mirror when you need it and is an accountability partner. 
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.

Plant Medicine

Psilocybin Microdosing

Perhaps you've been thinking about using plant medicine to work on your consciousness development and overall well-being? Or perhaps you feel like plant medicine might help you to be more productive?

The effects of micro-dosing psilocybin mushrooms or truffles, as reported in clinical studies and/or scientific research, include:
  • Improved focus
  • Increased creativity
  • Improved mood
  • Improved focus
  • Emotional balance
  • Better cognitive functioning
  • More energy
  • May potentially help with addiction

Together we explore your medical history, use of medicines and supplements that may interact with the psilocybin. I help you figure out dosage, protocol, explain how to find your sweet spot and answer any questions that you might have. After our consultation you will know everything you need to know to get started safely or feel better equipped to get more out of your current microdosing routine. 

Psilocybin - Q&A

Do you also facilitate in-person microdosing consults? 

I currently do not facilitate in-person micro-dosing consults, these are only available via Zoom. 

Do you provide micro-dose coaching for other psychedelic substances? 

I only provide micro-dose coaching for psilocybin, this is the plant medicine that energetically feels good to me and therefore I have chosen that this is my plant medicine of choice to work with. I do not assist with other psychedelics such as LSD, Ketamine, MDMA or DMT.

Is microdosing suitable for everyone? 

No, it is not. Unfortunately you cannot participate if:

* You have (had) schizophrenia, psychosis or bipolar disorder;
* You have or are susceptible to paranoia or severe anxiety;
* You are younger than 21;
* You are on anti-depressants and are not able to taper off under supervision of your primary physician or specialist; 
* You are pregnant or breast feeding;
* You have a strong relationship with cannabis or any other drug, and are not able to refrain from use for at least 1 month prior to microdosing.

It is very understandable that if you are interested in microdosing, you might not agree or are not happy with the above criteria. Please know that, "altering the truth" might seem like a harmless thing to do, however these criteria have been set for your as well as my safety. 

Is it possible to get advise on taking a "normal" dose or "heroic" dose of psilocybin?

I do not provide coaching regarding the consumption of normal, high or heroic doses of psilocybin. I only provide online micro-dose coaching via Zoom.

Please note that in rare cases (should this serve your healing), I provide private ceremonies for coachees who have attended several microdosing consults with Main-Consult, are well-versed and feel comfortable microdosing. I feel that this is the best way to guarantee that:

* The coachee can focus on the internal process; 
* There is an already established connection between the coachee and the coach, which will positively influence the coachees journey.

During private ceremonies coachees take a "normal" to "high" dose of psilocybin. I do NOT work with heroic doses. To book a private ceremony please contact me via e-mail or WhatsApp. 

Do you provide Magic Mushrooms or Truffles? 

I do not provide Magic Mushrooms or Truffles before, during or after our microdosing consults. I am able however to provide you with distributors that provide Magic Truffles or grow kits.   

Book a FREE discovery call!

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